Register for Understanding the World of Entities class Jan. 15, 2024
Wishing all of you a fabulous and amazing 2024!
This month, I am teaching Understanding the World of Entities Class in Mesa, AZ. For more information and registration click here: Workshops – Spiritual Enlightenment ( Scroll all the way to the bottom for this class registration.
Later this week, another Blog post will be sent out with a link to a short survey in Survey Monkey. I am having a challenge getting Survey Monkey to work correctly at the moment, a typical Mercury Retrograde play. I would like to know what type of content you would like me to post on YouTube and what type of class material to create and teach. Within this next blog post is the link to Beyond Spiritual Healing’s newly created YouTube Channel for every day conscious living hacks and wisdom. This means short videos on life hacks and wisdom, intuitive tricks and tips, psychology and neuroscience tidbits, wellness and even a little humor. I have had many clients request this type of information. I am starting with YouTube and will see where this goes. I even purchased a drone to create beautiful meditation videos to get you into the feeling zone of manifestation. This is all what is coming this year including my graduation with my PhD in Psychology!
Please subscribe to my mailing list to stay updated on what I am creating for this year.