My Journey

A little inspiration from my personal journey

I am not sure if most of you know much about my journey in life and how I arrived to the peace and happiness I have today. I have studied and examined numerous philosophies and spiritualities in my life. I have studied various healing modalities and concepts. What I struggled with up until 2006 when my life was spring boarded forward with a spiritual two by four,  was my own unhealthy thinking and beliefs systems that trapped me into a pain and suffering cycle because I was too afraid to follow my light and calling.

August 26, 2006 my life was changed forever through a near death experience. I almost died from low blood sugar and went into a coma. I was in the light and peaceful. The love I felt in the “light” was unconditional and uplifting. A love I have only felt in a previous “near death” experience that I experienced at a young age. However, the most important message I came back with is that nothing was worth my life, health and happiness. I had to protect this always from the happiness thieves: anger, fear, doubt and people who wanted companionship in misery eager to steal the happiness if you let them.

The other part of the message was I was the source of my own unhappiness by the unhealthy thinking and responding to situations in my life. I was holding back, out of fear, from living my life more importantly my calling.
I had to change the way I perceived my reality and therefore, change my emotional response leading to changing my behavioral response. I had to trust living from the heart to be authentic to my purpose. I knew no matter what, God would always take care of me. A truth I didn’t know with all my soul until this experience.  I had a choice to stay in love and trust and make choices that were healthy and peaceful or not. My life changed for the better. I am free of the pain and suffering cycle the majority of the time and miracles happen daily for me.

Is it easy? In the beginning it takes time and dedication to stop the irrational and painful beliefs and perceptions along with choosing to respond and behave differently. I encourage all of you to make that commitment to yourselves since it leads to your best life possible! Remember, its all up to you and God is there supporting you and wanting you to be happy, full of love and successful in life’s journey!

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